Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Valley Forge Continues

Valley Forge Retreat Extras

Jann Young was awarded the Master Level of Smocking of the SAGA Artisan Program!

Her comment to the members at the banquet regarding the journey she has taken, was quite encouraging for all of us in the program.

"The difference between a beginner and a master is that a master has failed more times than a beginner has tried."

Here are a few of her smocked projects...

What little girl wouldn't want to go to a party in this dress?

Look at the details of the smocking and embroidery.

And to add embroidered buttons, well Jann thought of every detail.

The fabric manipulated snowman wore a smocked coat as well as carrying a smocked Christmas ball ornament. Just too, too cute!

Who would have thought to smock a corset? Jann Young that's who!

One more basket and winner...This basket "Piping Hot Trim" was donated by our own Joy Welsh and won by no other than another of our members, Tawn Hunka. It contained a Gingher Rotary Cutter, a Groovin' piping trimming tool, and stuffed with 40 packs of trim, 3 yards each! OOH...

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