Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Needles and More


Vaune's December Newsletter had a great article on and about sewing machine needles. To see her newsletter, simply click on 'Newsletter'.

Midnight Oil Smockers Chapter does not endorse any businesses or products, we simply pass on sewing information and give credit for those sources.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Planning 2016

The New 2016 Board of Midnight Oil Smockers met for a planning session. The members will be delighted with the monthly program line up as well as benefit from the workshops this year!
At the head of the table, leading Midnight Oil into the future with skill and talent is President, Roberta, surrounded by (L-R) Kathleen, VP Sugarland; Marisol, VP Programs; Brenda, Sec/Parli and Librarian; Barbara, Treasurer...

(continuing l-r) Joanne, Newsletter Editor; Susanna, Wee Care Chair; Susan, Show and Share Chair; Trena, Membership Chair; and Leslye, Education Chair. 

These lovely ladies have been the inspiring, motivating, and energetic force propelling our chapter to increase in membership, acquire greater individual skills and cultivate common thread FRIENDSHIPS!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

More Show and Share

One member had to mail her 'Show and Share' before the Christmas party, but she has sent me a picture of the dress that is now winging it's way to the UK!

This darling dress "Devotion" was featured in AS&E issue 55 and made with cotton sateen purchased from our own smocking shop 'Buttons n Bows'.
Thanks for sharing! What perfect smocking...

Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas Party

A Midnight Oil 
Christmas Party

The members of Midnight Oil Smockers gathered at Susan's beautifully decorated home for our annual Christmas Partygreat fun was had by all!

There was FOOD galore,      

Show and Share...

Susan has been busy hand embroidering a lovely Christmas ornament designed by Kathryn Holicky using Kreinik silk and metallic threads on a white 22 count Hardanger fabric.

Susan also did 2 darling outfits for Christmas, this one a boy's two piece outfit by Gingersnaps and...

this bishop from Children's Corner pattern featuring the smocking design 'Holly Berry Bishop' by Crosseyed Cricket. Can you believe this fabric was in her stash just at the time she needed it?

Shirley used a book by Janice Shelton to create the Reindeer Pockets on this cute Children's Corner 'Lucy' jumper.

Beth made this precious 6 month onesie type garment as a gift for a friend. She loved the pattern from Wendy Schoen "Antique Baby Bubble" and embellished the outfit with embroidery from 'Blue Ribbon Baby'.  The white tatted trim was hand sewn.

Beautiful Workshop Accomplishments...

In September our chapter hosted a workshop with Jeannie Beaumeister highlighting the 'Round Tucked Yoke Dress'. These ladies all have completed this project! Talent is abundant in our chapter.

Favorite NEW Sewing Tool

Beth discovered this new sewing helpful tool at Costco's office supplies area. It is a wrap around your neck or wherever needed light. Be sure to put in on your Christmas list for Santa.